Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shopping & a Cold Shower

We tried to sleep in a little this morning since we didn't have to be at the scavenger hunt untill 2. We ended up waking up before our alarms with horrible sinus headaches. After taking our medicine and eating some breakfast we got to feeling a little better. We got ready and headed downtown to where we thought we were supposed to meet for the treasure hunt...but no one was there!!

We decided to take the bus back to our apartment real quick and grab our purses and shop instead. We had seen people carrying H&M bags the last time we were shopping and we wanted to find it. We started out the way we had gone last time and kept going...we kept passing people who had H&M bags so we knew we had to be heading the right direction...then we looked around a corner and there it was!!! It wasn't quite as big as the one in Chicago but it was still pretty impressive. They gave us each a coupon on the way in that if you bought at least 2 things the more expensive one was 20% off. I found this adorable jacket I had seen a girl wearing during orientation that i kept talking about. I passed it up as we were shopping but then we had to walk back by it to leave. Morgan was looking at something so i picked one up and tried it on...they have real weird sizes here so i wasn't sure if it would fit or not. It was perfect!! Morgan turned around and pretty much told me i couldn't leave without it. I told her she had to buy this dress she liked then so we could use the discount. Just while ago when i was cleaning out my purse and was about to throw away my coupon from H&M I saw that it was good till Dec. 9th...needless to say i didn't throw it away.

After H&M we walked back to the main bus station and hoped on a bus that was supposed to take us to the mall type place we found the very first day we were downtown. It dropped us off right outside. This was the place with the Monoprix that had absolutley everything. We walked around a little and found some cute stuff, then ended up back at monoprix cause we had a few things we wanted. We found white chocolate covered oreos and pre-mixed refrigerated brownie all know i can't pass up something like that. We decided we were getting hungry and tired so we wanted to head hit up a Creperie and then home. Sadly...every Creperie we saw and tried to stop at...was closed. Aparently they are only open on saturday mornings.

We ended up just breaking into our new baguette when we got home. We also split a giant microwavable spagetti for dinner with a little baguette. After dinner i finished up my book, the first left behind book, it was really good. I'm excited to start the 2nd one...I think i'm going to finish the 4 I brought with me far before it's time to head home. My head was starting to hurt again so i thought maybe a hot shower would help. We have been having a little trouble with both of us getting through our showers, if we take them back to back, with super hot water. Morgan had showered this morning so i assumed i'd be ok...I was terribly wrong. Before i even finished with my shampoo I had to turn it all the way to hot...and it was frezzing before i could get washed off and the conditioner out of my hair. It was a sad moment.

We are going to have a brownie batter party here in a few minutes and then head to bed because we have to be up early tomorrow for our trip. We are going with school to the Brittany coasts to see Mount St. Michel. We have seen pictures and this place looks gorgous so we are really excited. Hopefully this time we are really meeting where they told us we were so we don't miss it. We are leaving extra early to make sure we have time to find them. We aren't sure what time we will be back tomorrow night so incase i dont post thats why. I'll make sure and take lots of pics and hopefully the internet will cooperate and let me get them up here for you guys.

Enjoy the fair!!! I had a piece of taffy today to make me a little less sad.


  1. Sounds like a fun day. You realize you can't eat junk food the whole time you are there or you will weigh 200lb when you come home. : - ) Hope your trip tomorrow is fun!

  2. P.S. Have you asked the apartment complex about the hot water problem. Maybe they can do something.
